Author: Gavin Simpson

  • WP REST with JWT

    Using the WordPress REST API with JWT authentication Step 1. Install this plugin => The free version will suffice. This goes on the site you will be xtracting data from. The REST API must be enabled in the WordPress settings. Step 2. Configure the plugin and on it’s Settings tab add the Secret as…

  • WordPress Security

    This applies to self-managed Apache2 servers. Shared servers require different permissions, for example wp-config : set that file’s permissions to 440 or 400. Site Lockdown File permissions to lock down website, from the websites home folder. Do this from the root directory for example and you will break your server. Change the folder ownership of…

  • SSL Localhost

    To enable ssl on a localhost website, and stop Chrome from showing is as “unsafe” …. Pertains to Ubuntu 18.04 Bionic, and running Apache 2.4.29 Create localhost.cnf Then use openssl to generate the certificates in 3 steps Edit /etc/apache2/sites-available/default-ssl.conf as below Enable the site … and restart Apache2 As things stand you will be asked…

  • WordPress Basic Plugin

    Below is a very simple working example of a plugin. Create a directory in your plugins directory, create a php file and copy the below into it. Then from the wordpress plugins menu simply activate it. Just know that this plugin does absolutely nothing other than to show the basic setup, including public and protected…

  • Ubuntu Must Have Apps

    As Open Office is part of the standard Ubuntu install, like other software installed as default, I have not listed it. There are a number of must have applications needed to get the most out of Uubuntu 18.04, but first thing to do is change the deskop. Ubuntu’s standard is way too slow and reminds…

  • Linux miscellaneous

    Pertains mostly to Ubuntu 18.04.4 and Apache 2.4.29 Get Ubuntu version Get Apache version Get MySql version Find Files and hide all permission denied messages Copy file with ssh from server to localhost Copy file from localhost to server with ssh Copy directory from server recursively with ssh Copy directory to server from localhost recursively…

  • Exporting/Importing Woocommerce Orders with SQL 2020

    Covers WordPress version 5.3.2 No matter how you use the SQL, be it on the command line, PhpMyAdmin or PHP, These are just the SQL commands needed. There are 4 tables invlovled not counting the variable product data. I’ll be adding that as soon as a get a free moment. wp_posts wp_postmeta wp_woocommerce_order_items wp_woocommerce_order_itemmeta wp_posts…

  • Sharing a Viynl Cutter over the Network in Linux

    This setup works for a cheap Chinese no name brand Cutting Plotter I use. On the host PC add a new printer and set the printer model to “Raw Queue“ Set the device URI to, for example, serial:/dev/ttyUSB0?baud=9600. This assumes the servial device is attached to USB port 0. Make sure it is shared. On…

  • Setting up Inkscape for use with a Vinyl Cutter using Inkcut

    Step 1 Download and install the InkCut Extension from the InkCut sourceforge page. Step 2 Install the following linux libraries : Using InkCut to perform the cut Step 1 Select the objects you wish to cut Step 2 Ungroup the selected objects Step 3 Go “Path->Object to Path” Step 4 Go “Path->Union” Step 5 Extensions->Cutter/Plotter->Inkcut…

  • Raspberry PI Setup

    use GParted to format SD to win32. sudo dd bs=4M status=progress if=~/Downloads/2018-06-27-raspbian-stretch.img of=/dev/sdc; sync NB note /dev/sdc, not /dev/sdb1. i.e. Must point to physical device, not partition. Edit config.txt on the SD to set hdmi hot plug support. put sd in the pi, plug in kb and monitor and boot. after install and upgrade process…