Author: Gavin Simpson

  • Ubuntu 20.04 Node Server on localhost with SSL

    To get SSL on your localhost for testing purposes you will need a SSL key and certificate generated. I do the following in a certs directory to call up later in the node server app. Import the rootCA.pem file into your browser under the ‘Authority‘ tab. Then create server.cnf as follows … and v3.ext as…

  • Installing Node on Ubuntu 20.04

    Step 1 Do the usual first, i.e. and Step 2 Make sure npm is up to date as well It might take some doing to achieve the above, as I had a few issues to deal with ion Ubuntu 20..04 Firstly I had to update npm and node : Then I had to change the…

  • SQL to extract order report

    This SQL string will extract multiple meta values from an order.

  • Ubuntu 18.04 Disable Auto Time Updates

    Firstly disable automatic times Then simple set the time manualy, or the time itself will still automatically update. To re-enable automatic date/time updates use To check the status use You should see something like below. the three ‘no’ mean it’s disabled.

  • Cleaning Ubuntu boot partition

    Often the Ubuntu upgrades will fail fue to a no space error. The only solution is to remove old kernels manually. The first step is to show which kernel you are currently running, as you do not want to delete this one. So change to the boot directory for simplicity and list all existing kernels…

  • WP REST with JWT

    Using the WordPress REST API with JWT authentication Step 1. Install this plugin => The free version will suffice. This goes on the site you will be xtracting data from. The REST API must be enabled in the WordPress settings. Step 2. Configure the plugin and on it’s Settings tab add the Secret as…

  • WordPress Security

    This applies to self-managed Apache2 servers. Shared servers require different permissions, for example wp-config : set that file’s permissions to 440 or 400. Site Lockdown File permissions to lock down website, from the websites home folder. Do this from the root directory for example and you will break your server. Change the folder ownership of…

  • SSL Localhost

    To enable ssl on a localhost website, and stop Chrome from showing is as “unsafe” …. Pertains to Ubuntu 18.04 Bionic, and running Apache 2.4.29 Create localhost.cnf Then use openssl to generate the certificates in 3 steps Edit /etc/apache2/sites-available/default-ssl.conf as below Enable the site … and restart Apache2 As things stand you will be asked…

  • WordPress Basic Plugin

    Below is a very simple working example of a plugin. Create a directory in your plugins directory, create a php file and copy the below into it. Then from the wordpress plugins menu simply activate it. Just know that this plugin does absolutely nothing other than to show the basic setup, including public and protected…

  • Ubuntu Must Have Apps

    As Open Office is part of the standard Ubuntu install, like other software installed as default, I have not listed it. There are a number of must have applications needed to get the most out of Uubuntu 18.04, but first thing to do is change the deskop. Ubuntu’s standard is way too slow and reminds…