Category: Python

  • Blender print to console in Linux

    Blender print to console in Linux

    When working with Blender on Linux, scripting in Python can supercharge your workflow—especially for debugging or logging. One common need is printing custom messages to Blender’s built-in console, which isn’t as straightforward as Python’s print(). This script, originally sourced from StackOverflow and duplicated here for quick reference, provides a reliable way to write text to…

  • Generating UV on imported OSM Buildings

    Generating UV on imported OSM Buildings

    When working with object manipulation in PHP, it’s not just buildings that can benefit from creative scripting—any object can! This script takes a composite object, breaks it into separate components, and applies a random texture to each part. While simple in concept, it’s a fun way to experiment with procedural generation, whether for games, simulations,…